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Tours for cycling enthusiasts

Tours for cycling enthusiasts

As you have come to expect from us, we have quite diverse blog topics. Sometimes it is specifically about something from our own company. But we also try to provide information about news, updates or fun activities. Like now with the calendar with Tours for cycling enthusiasts in 2025.

Ride for amateur cyclists

Trifitness31 recently published the calendar with fun tours for everyone who loves cycling. Whether you are a fanatic and well-trained or a pure amateur who enjoys cycling, there is something for everyone. A number of these tours are held not too far from us.

Alt to Tours for cycling enthusiasts

Tours in the Costa Blanca

The Costa Blanca is known as one of the permanent locations for the many professional cycling teams as a training location during the winter months. At the beginning of 2025 they will start with a tour in Ondara, followed by a tour around Altea in March and then in April from Dénia. A nice number of tours in the Costa Blanca for real cycling enthusiasts. For the complete agenda, look here. It is not about time, but mainly about enjoying this beautiful cycling sport and the beautiful surroundings together.

Extra motivation for participation

If you register for one of these tours in 2024 and rent a roadbike from us for January or February, you will receive a cycling shirt or shorts as a gift. If there is a lot of interest, we will raffle these among the participants. Perhaps superfluous, but this only concerns participation in the tour in Ondara, Altea or Dénia. For delivery in this region, it is best to contact us.

Of course, it is also possible that you are not interested in riding a tour. But if you are looking for a nice location to train alone or with cycling friends, you can also contact us. We rent both carbon roadbikes and electric roadbikes!

Roadbike delivered to location

Roadbike delivered to location

One of our greatest added values is that the Roadbike rented by clients is delivered to or near the location / holiday destination. Of course, this does not mean that we deliver our bikes throughout Spain. In the past year, we weekly have received one or more reservations or requests for bikes in Valencia, Pontevedra, Madrid, Seville or elsewhere. Read More

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