Best road bike rental Costa Blanca

Tours for cycling enthusiasts

Tours for cycling enthusiasts

As you have come to expect from us, we have quite diverse blog topics. Sometimes it is specifically about something from our own company. But we also try to provide information about news, updates or fun activities. Like now with the calendar with Tours for cycling enthusiasts in 2025.

Ride for amateur cyclists

Trifitness31 recently published the calendar with fun tours for everyone who loves cycling. Whether you are a fanatic and well-trained or a pure amateur who enjoys cycling, there is something for everyone. A number of these tours are held not too far from us.

Alt to Tours for cycling enthusiasts

Tours in the Costa Blanca

The Costa Blanca is known as one of the permanent locations for the many professional cycling teams as a training location during the winter months. At the beginning of 2025 they will start with a tour in Ondara, followed by a tour around Altea in March and then in April from Dénia. A nice number of tours in the Costa Blanca for real cycling enthusiasts. For the complete agenda, look here. It is not about time, but mainly about enjoying this beautiful cycling sport and the beautiful surroundings together.

Extra motivation for participation

If you register for one of these tours in 2024 and rent a roadbike from us for January or February, you will receive a cycling shirt or shorts as a gift. If there is a lot of interest, we will raffle these among the participants. Perhaps superfluous, but this only concerns participation in the tour in Ondara, Altea or Dénia. For delivery in this region, it is best to contact us.

Of course, it is also possible that you are not interested in riding a tour. But if you are looking for a nice location to train alone or with cycling friends, you can also contact us. We rent both carbon roadbikes and electric roadbikes!

Selling road bikes Costa Blanca

Selling road bikes Costa Blanca

As a rental company of very good quality carbon road bikes in the Benidorm – Calpe region, we naturally want to keep our fleet as up to date as possible. That is why we try to start selling road bikes in the Costa Blanca at the end of every high season.

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Road bike rental year 2022

Road bike rental year 2022

As we often do at the end of a certain period, we look back at our road bike rental in the year 2022. And we do so with pride. What a wonderful year we have had.

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Cycling in the mountains

Cycling in the mountains

When you think of cycling in Spain, you quickly think of cycling in the mountains. And although there are certainly some flat pieces to be found, that is not often the case. Especially here in the Costa Blanca there are many challenging climbs. So challenging in fact that a large part of the professional teams spend their winter internship here. But how should you deal with that now?

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The story behind wine gums in cycling

The story behind wine gums in cycling

In cycling today, nothing is left to chance. Especially when it concerns top sport, people spend years figuring out, weighing and measuring the right nutrition schedules for the athletes. The coaching team and staff are larger than the average cycling team has riders. Much is also approached scientifically. But what is the story behind wine gums in cycling.

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Performance drive in cycling

Performance drive in cycling

Although I am not yet a developed cyclist myself, I absolutely recognize the urge to have a performance drive in cycling. The will to achieve something and to become the best at it motivates people to a great extent. And even though that unfortunately does not express itself in physical cycling for me, it does stimulate me in my work.

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Strength exercises for cyclists

Strength exercises for cyclists

Incorporating some simple cyclist strength exercises can be a great addition to an exercise routine. When you think about the best strength and conditioning exercises for cycling, see what it takes first. Looking at the many nationalities of our customers, we see many riders come from more or less flat regions. When these come to the Costa Blanca and suddenly start climbing mountains, it requires a different use of the muscles. Especially during the descent it comes down to a well-developed hull.

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Cycling year 2020 in Spain

Cycling year 2020 in Spain

For us as a bicycle rental company in Spain, the 2020 cycling year started out overwhelmingly. Already in the first two weeks of January, so many reservations were received that we had almost full-time rental of all our bikes for the months of March, April and May. For a company that started cold a year earlier, a very nice and good performance!

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Safety during cycling in Spain

Safety during cycling in Spain

Safety during cycling has increasingly become a topic of discussion in Spain in recent years. Various components determine safety. First of all, there is of course the racing bike itself, which must meet all safety requirements. The rider also determines how safe it is with his behavior. In addition, there are various accessories that can contribute, as well as the clothing. Finally, of course, the traffic rules in a country are important. We will go into all these points in more detail in this blog.

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The best road bike rental company on the Costa Blanca

The best road bike rental company on the Costa Blanca

At the end of 2018 we started Allure Bike Rental. We rent semi-professional carbon racing bikes. Our goal is certainly not to become the largest, but to become the best road bike rental company on the Costa Blanca. Read on if you want to know how we do this and what our clients think about it.

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